How to Mount Network Share as Volume via SSH


There is a remote server that I can connect to only via SSH, and storage space have been allocated for me in that server.

Is there a software that lets me "mount" a network share via SSH so that I can use it as if it is a local folder?

I strongly prefer cross-platform and Free (as in Freedom) solutions, but anything you can think of I'd love to know.

Thank you!

Best Answer

Use HomeBrew to install fuse4x and sshfs

The commands to install are:

brew install sshfs

when you run it, it gives two other commands that I needed to run in order to install the fuse4x kernel extension. Run them.

Then, to mount the ssh filesystem

mkdir ~/mymountdir
sshfs username@hostname:/home/thedir ~/mymountdir

it will ask you for your password.