Migrating from one computer to another


The screen on my daughter's iMac went partially bad and so I just bought her an interim Mac (basically the same model that she had before). I'm in the process of trying to do the migration from the old one to the new one. Her old computer was running 10.6.6 and the newer one is running Tiger. I thought that it would be a good idea to update the new one to Snow Leopard before starting the migration. When I set up the new computer I accidentally gave it a different short name than the old one has. Will I be able to migrate the files if the short name is different? If not, is there any easy way to change it one the new computer There is nothing else on there now.

Best Answer

Run the Migration Assistant utility on the new computer, and it'll walk you through migrating the account to the new computer. It's actually good that you used a different name on the new computer, since that means it can bring over the entire account (by its original name) and it won't conflict with the account you've already created on the new (/temporary) computer.