Make all occurrences of string superscript


I'm currently using Pages to write a rather long essay and have run into an annoying problem I can't seem to find the answer to. I have included a bibliography in my document and have referenced the bibliography elsewhere in the essay with [1] where 1 is the book number I am referencing. Here is an example sentence:

Here we see , "the quick brown fox"[1], jumps over the "Lazy dog"[2].

My intention is to format the sentence like this:

Here we see , "the quick brown fox"[1] , jumps over the "Lazy dog"[2].

Whilst I understand you can select the text, click Format, Font, Baseline and select Superscript; this would take an extremely long time to do as there are around 100 places where I would need to do this.

Is there a way to find and replace a string, e.g. [1] with [1], throughout the whole document?

Best Answer

If I were you, i will search for online superscript converter to convert that word 1 to ¹ such as

Then i will copy converted text
> pages
> find "[1]"
> change "Find" to "Find & replace"
> paste the copied text in the replace field "[¹]"
> click on "Replace all"

enter image description here

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