Magic Mouse: replace single finger swiping/scrolling with two finger swiping/scrolling


I sometimes accidentally trigger the horizontal swipe/scroll gesture on my magic mouse. Especially in X11/Inkscape, if I work zoomed in on a big canvas, this often moves my canvas several screens to the right or left and I have to carefully swipe/scroll back to my original view.

I would like to make the swiping more explicit by allowing only two finger swipes, which should then just work as vertical/horizontal scroll gestures, as if I had triggered them on a normal mouse (with 2 scroll wheels).

Preferences > Mouse > More Gestures > Swipe Between Pages (two fingers) does not help. I also already tried to map (globally) single finger swipes and scroll actions in Better Touch Tool (BTT) to No Action. But they still work in all apps.

What else can I try, i.e., what other tools can I use or what other system settings can I change (via Terminal) to make it work?

System specs: Macbook Pro Retina, Magic Mouse, OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), BTT 0.9985

Update: Please note that:

  1. I had been using BetterTouchTool version 0.9985 (as stated above)
  2. I also tried MagicPrefs (some older version)

If someone provides a detailed, convincing solution that solves the above problem, I will try to reclaim my now abandoned Magic Mouse, validate the solution, and gladly accept the answer.

Best Answer

MagicPrefs ( version 2.4.2 did the trick for me. Choose "Preferences" in the menu it puts in the upper right of the menu bar, then click on the "Configure Scrolling" button, and then uncheck the row of checkboxes to the right of the label "One Finger Scrolling:"

No more scrolling with one finger!

Sadly, as the app notes, you can no longer use "momentum scrolls", where the page keeps scrolling after you have lifted up your fingers. You can't have it all, I guess.