MacOS – Yosemite: Safari’s window is too wide


I'm a web developer and like to develop with a narrow browser window to somehow emulate how my website will look on a mobile phone. With pre-Yosemite-Safari it was possible to create such a narrow window that you could easily judge the look of your site on mobile. With Yosemite, this seems to be impossible. Any suggestions?

Picture from an iPhone.

Picture from an iPhone. I'd like to replicate this on the desktop. Note the line break after "Analytical"

Situation on the desktop after upgrading to Yosemite

Situation on the desktop after upgrading to Yosemite

Best Answer

You can enable "Develop" menu in Preferences > Advanced.

Then you can select choose the User Agent to be iPhone or whatever. enter image description here

And then resize the window appropriately:

enter image description here

Edit: This doesn't get around the minimum width for the window. Here is a workaround. Go to View > Show Sidebar. This pulls out the sidebar, which can be resized making the viewport smaller.

enter image description here