MacOS – Yosemite focus indicator animation & highlight standard behavior


I'm not exactly sure how to describe this, but in Yosemite, it seems like the indicator for the currently focused field seems weird. I'm not sure whether it's a bug or intended behavior. When switching between UI elements that allow for interaction, there is some attention grabbing animation, and after the animation, the indicator seems so large that my assumption is that this is unintended. I've included some pics below

From xCode:

text field Xcode

from notification tray:

Notification tray disclosure

Is this normal behavior? If not, should I open a radar?

Best Answer

It looks like you have full keyboard access turned on. I've noticed this makes large borders around sometimes unintended controls. You can change the settings in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts. The default should be "Text boxes and lists only"

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