MacOS – Windows authentication to sql server


I need to connect to sql server using Windows authentication on a mac.

I want to use kinit but I have problem with generate DC name.
On windows I ran command:

nltest /

And output is:


I can log into this server on windows using SQL Server Management Studio so I know the account I want to use is working for the level of access I want to grant.

How can I connect with this server to get kerberos tickets / use an AD account in general with Finder to mount shares?

Best Answer

We use Apple Enterprise connect to get kerberos tickets

$ klist
Credentials cache: API:0E08F2A4-F095-4D1D-82A5-69113AF983D0
        Principal: bmike@AD.CONTOSO.INT

  Issued                Expires               Principal
Sep 20 11:20:42 2018  Sep 20 21:20:42 2018  krbtgt/AD.CONTOSO.INT@AD.CONTOSO.INT
Sep 20 11:20:42 2018  Sep 20 21:20:42 2018  ldap/

You could use macOS to bind directly, but there's pain there unless you are just binding your personal workstation and not deploying that across an enterprise. A solution that isn't Apple is NoMad (which was recently acquired by JAMF software)

As long as they are still allowing downloads of that tool, I would start there and then work up to something larger / different if you have a reason to do so.

I would repeat, don't bind until you have exhausted all other options.