MacOS – Why might a oui.txt file have appeared in the home directory on the MBP


oui.txt has "suddenly" appeared. I don't know how/why.

It's 4.1MB, so it's probably this:

Sanitized oui.txt Wed, 12 Feb 2020 03:10:16 -0400 • 4.1 MB (4,050,564 bytes) • ASCII

The result of ls -le@ oui.txtis:

$: ls -le@ oui.txt
-rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 4047610 31 Jan 12:20 oui.txt 15

Best Answer

I have a file on my computer named The top of the file has this comment section.

This file is part of Scapy See for more informations Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi This program is published under a GPLv2 license

Copyright (C) 2005 Guillaume Valadon
Arnaud Ebalard

The code has Utility functions for IPv6.

This utility script outputs a file called oui.txt