MacOS – Why extracted .app file appears in Finder 3.1 Mb and in bash only 102 bytes


I extracted atMonitor using Archive Utility and The Unarchiver and in both cases it appears in the Finder as 3.1Mb and in bash only 102 bytes. Strange is that I can execute it and I can look in the package content both in Terminal and in Finder and the files inside appears not to be a symlinks.

The Problem is that I can't copy the .app file through shared folder from another computer.

What is the problem with it?


in Finder:

in Finder

in Terminal:

in Terminal

Best Answer

.app files are really just folders, but applications (like finder) see them differently and calculate the size of the contents of the folder.

Empty folders have the size of 68 bytes, non-empty folders are 102 bytes or bigger. All my folders and .apps are 102 bytes since they contain only 1 sub-folder.