MacOS – Why does Mountain Lion keep using the wrong screen saver


I have my screen saver set to Arabesque. If I move my mouse down to the Screen Saver hot corner, I get Arabesque. If I sit and wait for the screen saver to start automatically, I get Arabesque.

But if I leave my computer for any length of time and come back to it, it's almost always on Message, putting the name of my Mac up for everyone to see. I dislike this behavior. If I go to System Preferences after this happens, it's still on Arabesque, it's just ignoring the setting.

What's going on? Is there any way to fix it?

Best Answer

If your computer is locked, the screensaver settings for the root user account is used instead of your own. You can change those settings according to the answer to this question: How can I set the Mac OS X screensaver when not logged in?