MacOS – Why do some items in the Finder window appear grayed out


In my finder window some items are grayed out. Why is that?

enter image description here

I've taken more snapshots:

enter image description here

Note: If I rename the file it is no longer grayed out.

Note 2: I noticed a intermediary file is being created that is immediately renamed:

enter image description here

Note 3: I also noticed that the .DS_Store file is grayed out.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The items you are seeing are invisible items. Names that start with a dot indicate the file should be hidden. If you changed finder to show hidden files, it will display them greyed out, but the files will work as normal. Besides having a name that starts with a dot, it is possible to set a special file attribute that will make finder hide the file.

If you want to turn the showing of hidden files back off, one option is to use the terminal, open it and use this command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO and then log out and back in.