MacOS – When online the webpage becomes unresponsive on the macbook-pro osx

macbook promacos

When online my webpage becomes unresponsive, particularly when I click on a link, is there a fix? I have a MacBook-Pro osx 10.7.4 about a year old. This is not a new problem and I have been blaming it on my router but the signal is strong and disconnecting from wi-fi and then reconnecting seems to get things going again. It happens intermittently and I can't figure out what is causing it. Thanks for any help

Best Answer

Which browser are you using?

I was experiencing the same issue on Chrome, all I did was

  • Go into Chrome - Preferences
  • Go to advanced settings
  • Un-tick the box "Predict network actions to improve page load performance"
  • Restarted Chrome

Then it worked fine