MacOS – When did the colon character : become an allowed character in the filesystem


Just noticed it works on Maverick.. the colon character : is valid for file and directory names (I accidentally entered it for a filename in Atom).

Can't find any reference to it becoming valid though ( still marks it as invalid).

It works in the Atom editor.

I can create a file called : with nano.

This works echo 'test' > : && cat :

In TextWrangler it only works if the file already exists but won't create it (with command line tools installed edit :)

Is this new from Mavericks? Works in Yosemite? Before?

Edit: A few more tests:

  • TextEdit won't allow me to enter it and always replace it with -

  • Finder won't allow me to create a folder with the name :
    Finder Screenshot

  • A : file created via command line is displayed as / in Finder.. and double clicking it will open it in TextEdit. TextEdit will load its content but show the name / in the title bar.

Best Answer

This change appeared at the beginning of MacOS X (i.e. MacOS X 10).

Then the directory separator from HFS : was changed to the directory separator of UFS /. Since then the Finder is in charge of making the following mapping:

/ → :
: → /