New Location Detected Popup – What Does ‘New Location Detected’ Popup Mean and Which Application is Displaying It?

high sierramacos

enter image description here

I get this popup on my Macbook Pro High Sierra 10.13.6.

There is no title bar. When I click on the popup it does not become selected and the "current application" in the Mac menu remains whatever it was.

How can I tell what application is displaying this popup? How can I tell what it means? What is a "location" — is this a GPS thing, a network thing (wifi? Bluetooth?), is it from Maps? Has my Mac discovered new unknown lands and expanded the horizons of mankind? How am I supposed to know? What if I Add? What if I Decline? What happens in either case? Am I like Kyle in Human Centipad?

Best Answer

On my system, I get this too; it is from Jabber.
enter image description here

If I click on the popup, Jabber appeared in the menu bar. I think Preferences->Locations controls it.