MacOS – What do the appleprofilepolicyd and wdhelper processes do


I found in activity monitor appleprofilepolicyd and wdhelper but after googling a while didn't found any interesting information:

  • wdhelper – could be a webdrive or webdav – found only wdhelper.dll but nothing really related to the process
  • appleprofilepolicyd – something related to “Apple Profile Policy” ("captain obvious to the rescue!") – but still no related search results for it

What are theese processes do and what are they required for (dependencies)?

Best Answer

From the Apple Developer man pages:

appleprofilepolicyd is a system daemon that implements a policy for the services provided by AppleProfileFamily. When an AppleProfileFamily user asks to perform an action, this daemon is invoked to make the final policy decision.

Essentially, this governs what apps, accounts, processes, etc. have access to what services and activities.

I believe wdhelper is a LaunchDaemon that is implemented by, for example, a WD MyBook drive when it is installed to the Mac.