macOS Ubiquity Logs – What Are the Ubiquity Logs on Mac?


In the "~/Library/Logs" folder, I discovered a folder called "Ubiquity", but I have no such app named "ubiquity" on my MacBook Pro.

I Googled and also searched here (Ask Different), but all references to "ubiquity" seem to relate wifi or iCloud syncing, and my MBP has had issues with both, so I am curious what Ubiquity is.

FWIW: I began looking into the Logs folder because a message popped up to warn me of junk files that I should remove-by upgrading some software. There is indeed a huge number of files, but Ubiquity is the only name I didn't recognize and can't associate with any software.

Best Answer

Ubiquity or Ubiquitous Data File is how iCloud shared documents get synced between your various devices and the cloud storage servers Apple runs. It’s a legitimate part of the macOS, but that doesn’t mean that the files you saw were legit as sometimes scam software like malware reuses a “safe” name to “hide in plain sight” so that someone would find my answer here or Apple’s documentation and conclude all is fine.

The most likely situation for you is all good, but we’d need to look at the detailed file to know for sure.