MacOS – way to throttle nsurlsessiond/cloudd


I have been looking for a way to permanently throttle these two processes. By default, they are all or nothing processes killing my network connection unless I manually "pause uploads" for iPhotos (nsurlsessiond) or killing/logging out of iCloud for cloudd.

I don't mind them running in the background but would like to control their bandwidth consumption without killing them off completely. Similar to the way that I can throttle oneDrive upload/download (which to my chagrin, Microsoft does this better than Apple in this case!)

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

This is not a throttling solution, but can alleviate some problems.

Use Activity monitor, Network tab to find out the PID of nsurlsessiond with User _nsurlsessiond.

In Terminal, run

sudo kill -STOP 1234

where 1234 is the PID you found above.

When you want to run it,

sudo kill -CONT 1234

Make sure you got the correct PID and not stop other crucial processes.