MacOS – way to completely disable Spaces in Yosemite


Is there a way to completely disable Spaces in Yosemite (without turning off Mission Control, Dashboard, etc.)?

As someone who frequently switches between multiple monitors and using my Macbook on its own, I frequently run into baffling setups where windows on one monitor become a Space on another monitor. I'd like to end this behavior.

Best Answer

I did this recently to get an iMac to better support an X-Arcade Tankstick and MAME. I do not know that it totally disabled Spaces, but is has effectively eliminated them for me.

  1. System Preferences > Mission Control: Uncheck everything.

    Set shortcut for Mission Control to "-"

  2. System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Mission control: Uncheck everything

  3. In a Terminal window enter:

     defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool true"

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