MacOS – VS Code – Code Helper process using more than 100% CPU on macOS


I noticed that my MacBook gets hot and noisy (fans) when using VS Code (v1.31). The Activity Monitor shows the process Code Helper using more than 100% of CPU. It started happening with one repository which is huge. Only one window opened, no files opened, and it always uses more than 100% CPU.

Checking in Microsoft/GitHub, there was an issue reported but they closed it saying "This issue has been closed automatically because it needs more information and has not had recent activity." , but it is still an ongoing issue. I tried some of the recommendations in the comments but didn't work.

Does anybody has more info and/or know how to avoid this? Is it possible to make some configurations for VS Code to not burn the MacBook?

Best Answer

The behaviour you describe could either be a bug in VS Code or it is intended behaviour simply because the numbers of files you have require large amounts of CPU time to process. I strongly suspect that the problem is a bug.

The issue you have found have the same externally observables as your problem, i.e. the CPU usage of Code Helper is very high. However there could be many different reasons for that to happen. Therefore it is not a problem that that specific issue has been closed for outside comments.

I would highly suggest opening a new issue instead. Go to this page:

And click the "New issue" button. Select that you want to file a "Bug report". Then please describe everything carefully, including which of the recommendations you have tried that did not work.

Hopefully the VSCode team will be able to fix the bug and release a new and fixed version.