MacOS – User folder on mac OS is empty, but still uses 60GB of hard drive space


I have deleted all the files under User folder, but it still says that it uses ~60GB of space. Real usage is ~2MB. There are no more files to delete. Is there any hidden files i am not aware of. If yes, how i can delete them?

DiskWave view

I do not want to delete the user account. I just want to get rid of information that is useless, but I don't want to mess up my Mailbox or other stuff, so I want an advice if it's safe to delete some parts of those folders.

Best Answer

The space is most likely being occupied by the various files and folders in ~/Library, which is hidden by default on OS X. You can show the Library folder by navigating to your home folder in Finder, pressing ⌘J and showing the Library folder.

Furthermore, you can run the following command in your home folder which will list all the files and folders in your home folder, including hidden files and folders, and display their sizes.

du -shc .??* *