iCloud – Uploading Items Never Ending on MacBook Pro

data transfericloudmacbook promacos

Is there a way to relaunch the upload to iCloud Drive?

My Mac has been uploading severals files for weeks.

I already tried to relaunch the Finder without success using killall Finder.

Best Answer

Happened to me as well, here is what I did:

  1. Back up all items in the Documents and Desktop folders (or wherever you are backing up your files)
  2. Open up System Preferences
  3. Click on iCloud
  4. Click on Options next to iCloud Drive
  5. If Desktop and Document Folders is disabled, enable it
  6. If enabled, disable it.
  7. Uncheck the Optimize Mac Storage and click Done
  8. Redo the opposite of steps 5-7 to re-enable iCloud
  9. Move all Documents and Desktop items back to their respective area.

It is helpful to note if you are experiencing sync issues in any of the other categories in iCloud Drive, try disabling them and then re-enabling them.