MacOS – Upgrade to mountain lion from dual-boot ubuntu configuration


I have a Lion installation dual-booted with Ubuntu using refit. Upon trying to upgrade to Mountain Lion, I reboot into the mountain lion installer, and get a message about OS X not being able to be installed on this disk since it can't be booted.

How can I recover from this situation? My machine is not having a problem being booted (I can work around that).

Best Answer

I also had this problem (on a 2012 MBA). Running rEFIt's partition table tool and accepting the "update the partition table" dialog it offered fixed it for me. (The Ubuntu install instructions at do tell you to do this to resync the partition tables; but not doing it didn't seem to cause a problem at the time.) For me the only partition table change it made was to change the type of the recovery partition to Apple Boot: probably best to look carefully at what it is proposing on your system before accepting it.