MacOS – Uninstalled XCode still paused in ‘Purchases,’ will not resume or delete


I was trying to re-install XCode, but have run into trouble. I first uninstalled it by deleting the .app file from the Finder, and then rebooted my machine. Upon returning to the App Store, I saw that XCode was listed as 'Paused' under purchases, with 0 GB downloaded, and will not resume or download again.

When I click Resume, nothing happens. There is no icon in the launcher, and running xcode-select -p outputs:


But there is no 'XCode' in this folder.

I basically just want to uninstall everything to do with XCode, and re-install it. I'm running Yosemite 10.10, if that helps.

Edit: I also tried deleting the folder, to no avail.

Best Answer

Try clearing from the TMPDIR.

open $TMPDIR../C  


open $TMPDIR../T

find and delete it from both the folder. Then restart the App Store.