MacOS – Unable to Perform Name Resolution

macbook promacosNetwork

My MacBook Pro, for some reason, detects the wireless connection, but I cannot go to a web page using Safari. I can open the iTunes Store, but cannot access my email. I ran the Network Assistant and it reflects that my connection is good. I tried putting in a manual IP address but my computer is still unable to perform name resolution to go to any web page. My home WiFi uses a WEP password, and configure IPv4 using DHCP.

I went to a local McDonald's to see if I could access the Internet with their free WiFi – my MacBook connected immediately and went out to several websites with no issues.

I went through all of the steps as listed in this answer on June 30, 2012 with this very same situation but am still not able to open a Web Page.

Best Answer

It sounds like the MacBook connection problems only happen when you have blocked the kiddo's x-box, correct?

Does removing the X-Box block allow you to connect to web and email?

If so, the problem is likely happening because of DHCP. DHCP means the router hands out IP addresses. Usually, DHCP will hand out IP addresses in the order that devices connect to the router.

For Example:
1st - -> MacBook
2nd - -> X-Box [BLOCKED]

Now lets say the kid reboots the router while you are away. Now the X-Box connects to wifi first and gets the first IP address. When you get home you get the second [blocked] address
For Example:
1st - -> X-Box
2nd - [BLOCKED]-> MacBook

Setting up your MacBook with a manual address (DHCP with manual address ) might work... but only if you chose an unused IP address in the "proper IP address range" for your router.

If the above is similar to your situation ... The solution to this depends on the make and model of your router.

My router has an option for "DHCP with reserved addresses". This will reserve and assign a specific IP address to a specific device.
Example: -[BLOCKED] [RESERVED for X-Box] .

The "reservations" are based on a device's "MAC Address". The "MAC address" is a unique "serial number" for the for a devices WiFi or ether (MAC address is nothing to due with MAC OS.)

Another option is to set the IPs manually but this would could be a pain... There may be other options depending on the make and model of your router.

Please let us know more about your router and router setup.