MacOS – Typing shortcuts in MacOS Sierra


One thing I recall about my parents' old iMac (Mac OS X Tiger) was the ability to set a custom shortcut for a particular character or deadkey. While I did take advantage of that, I mainly used it in a frivolous manor.

However, regardless, I've realised that there are a couple of characters in the Hebrew type case that don't come on any of the built-in keyboards for the Mac, namely the meteg, a character used to mark syllabic emphases in certain situations. My need to access this character reminded me of the above anecdote and got me wondering whether there still exists a way to create such a shortcut.

Is it possible to create a typing shortcut as described above? If it makes a difference, I'd be using it mainly in Pages.

Best Answer

You could easily make a custom layout which includes the extra characters you need with the Ukelele app.