MacOS – Two Finder processes are open. Neither works. What gives


I can't get Finder to do a darn thing. Specifically, it won't open new windows, show files on the desktop, or be the app in focus when I click its dock icon or the desktop.

Weird! Fine, I'll relaunch Finder. That usually clears it up.


enter image description here

I can hit 'relaunch' on both of those Finder items, and it changes nothing. Neither did restarting the computer.

Apps can still manipulate files, and Alfred can open them – but not find them.

There are zero Finder processes open according to Activity Monitor:

enter image description here

What are my next troubleshooting steps?

Best Answer

Try restarting the LaunchServices database. Launch the Terminal app (Cmd+Space, "Terminal"), and type in

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user

Then quit Terminal, restart your mac, and let us know if that fixed it.