MacOS – Trying to upgrade to macOS sierra from OS X 10.8.5

macbook promacosupgrade

Every time I've tried to download macOS sierra from the app store I'm getting this message: "macOS sierra failed to download. Use purchases page to try again".

I've rebooted my computer many times and tried clearing the app store cache. I just tried resetting the application from the debug menu and set the logging level to 2. I'm seeing these phrases a few times throughout the logs:

02/25/17 12:10:06.560 DownloadOperation: Download failed with error: Error Domain=ISErrorDomain Code=3 "URL Error" UserInfo=0x7ff5d204ae90 

02/25/17 12:10:06.561 absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier "" path "(null)"

Does anyone know anything else I can try to fix this?

Best Answer

Just so everyone knows, I was finally able to download Sierra on a different network. It might've been something related to my ISP.