MacOS – Time Capsule showing monitor icon in Finder sidebar


Normally my Time Capsule is seen in the Finder sidebar under "Shared" with an icon of a disk drive by the name of the Time Capsule. Now it keeps showing a monitor icon by the name of the Time Capsule, and when I click on it, it will change back to the disk drive icon.

I don't see any problems when I open Airport Utility and check the Time Capsule setup. Anyone know why this is happening?

I'm using Mavericks, and a 3rd-gen Time Capsule

Best Answer

Also I have this problem in OS 10.10 Yosemite and it's continues to give me the inconvenience, so I googled till I find the answer. Finally, I'm trying to do this: make sure that the TC is not mounted (or dismount it). Then in finder menu use Go -> Connect to Server. Type AFP://TCnetworkname or IPaddress (replace with the real IP or real network name). When the computer finds the TC, you need to give a password (public for default) type in your password if you changed it or public if not, then save it in your keychain. That's it.