MacOS – the wheel user group for


The output of groups after sudo bash lists the following groups:

wheel daemon kmem sys tty operator procview procmod everyone staff certusers localaccounts admin _appstore _lpadmin _lpoperator _developer 

What is the wheel user group for and why is it called wheel?

Best Answer

Quoting from this superuser answer by Rich Homolka:

Mac OS X has roots in BSD UNIX, a.k.a. the UNIX that came out of UC Berkeley. They had a group of trusted people that could become superuser by using the su command. So they coded their UNIX to only allow people in this specific group to become superuser using su. They chose the groupname 'wheel', supposedly reference to other systems that had WHEEL, possibly a reference to being a 'big wheel'

It's less important now that you have the GUI authorization popups and sudo. You can use sudo without being in wheel group I believe.