MacOS – the quickest and/or easiest way to infrequently type non-KeyLayout provided characters


I've recently been writing a lot of documentation and would love to be able to type native superscript characters (⁰, ¹, ², ³, ⁴, ⁵) to call out caveats/annotations. The writing environment I'm in does not support markup such as <sup> or LaTeX-like ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5.

My current solution for inserting these characters is to;

  1. Permanently enable the "input menu in menu bar" in Keyboard.prefPane -> Input Sources
  2. Mouse over to the input menu icon, click it, then 'Show Character Viewer'.
  3. Once the Character Viewer is shown, mouse to the character search box, and type either the number to superscript, or literally enter the word 'superscript' which will helpfully give me 0-9 that I can quickly use if necessary.

How can I shorten the time necessary to input these characters?

Best Answer

I had thought that the command + control + space (⌘^␣) picker was emoji-only, boy was I mistaken. Or perhaps it's changed since I last looked inevitably 1-3 releases of macOS ago?

Screenshot of the Character Viewer in command+ctrl+space popover mode with '1' entered in the search bar

This is absolutely the fastest way to enter any character, provided it's unicode name isn't overly esoteric.