macOS AppleScript – Minimum Delay in AppleScript


I ask this question because I've noticed that sometimes when I use delay with a sub-one figure, the delay never occurs. It is as if there was no delay line at all.

I can't identify what causes the issue and I can't tell when it will occur. The issue may not even be based on the size of the delay amount. But, I have only ever noticed a nonfunctional delay when the delay value is small.

Is there a minimum delay amount that one should not go below when writing AppleScript code?

OS X El Capitan, version 10.11.6.

Best Answer

In the AppleScript documentation for the delay command it says "the number may be fractional, such as 0.5 to delay half a second" yet doesn't specify a stated minimum time interval, however there is an interesting discussion statement at the end of the documentation for the delay command which accounts for the timing not being accurate.

From the AppleScript documentation for the delay command:

delay does not make any guarantees about the actual length of the delay, and it cannot be more precise than 1/60th of a second. delay is not suitable for real-time tasks such as audio-video synchronization.