MacOS – Textmate alt-f to move forward by one word


I've recently switched from Linux to Mac. One thing that is really killing my emacs memory muscles right now is the lack of alt+f and alt+b to jump forward and backward by word.

I've gotten the meta/option flag flipped in preferences (so alt+. now works as expected), but I haven't found a similar option for Textmate. Even better if I could enable it as a MacOS global setting for the U.S. keyboard (so it would work in all input boxes). At the moment I get the following useless (for me) encodings:

alt+f: ƒ

alt+b: ∫

How do I remap alt+f and alt+b to jump forward and backward by word?

Best Answer

As usual... KeyRemap4MacBook to the rescue :P Its emacs mode will give you those bindings, and you can choose a lot more bindings than that as well:

alt text