MacOS – Synchronise/Merge MP3 collections without duplication or huge copies

finderhard drivemacosmp3terminal

I have one drive containing about 90GB of MP3s which is used at home, it serves three Squeezebox players though the Slimserver software running on one of the desktop Macs.

I have a separate firewire drive containing about the same amount of music which I am very slowly cleaning up with Song Genie and I've finished the process of getting all the covers in better than 300×300 using CoverScout. Good tools if you are prepared to work more or less manually, they can come up with some pretty strange suggestions for covers & tag info at times. All this is from CDs I have in storage and I've even scanned some of the covers I couldn't find online. It's a long-term project and one day I want to know all of it is perfect.

Some of the music on the home collection isn't on my firewire drive, and vice versa. If I copy all of the firewire contents over the home collection that would probably work. However I'd really like to know what music is in the home collection that I haven't got because there's no way I'm copying un-tagged un-covered music over my fixed versions.

I could copy all the firewire drive MP3s over the home drive, then call the home drive contents the new cleanest and completest version but copy 90GB twice seems like a waste of time and there must be a clever way to do it?

Best Answer

Sounds like you need a merge/sync solution. I personally often use arRsync - but there are lots. Find one that allows you to prioritize one folder over the other when a match is found. You may need to tag and apply album art to both copies, before they will be recognized as the same, though.