MacOS – Symbolic link to Emacs 24 not working


I like to create a bin directory in my home directory and make it the first item in my $PATH. I then create symbolic links to override the default MacOS installed version of certain apps. I have done this in the past with Emacs.

BTW I also like to launch emacs from the command line so, I create an alias of 'alias e="emacs -nw"' in my .zrshrc or .profile file.

I am now on Yosemite and I can't get this working. Mind you Emacs is running when I click on the in Applications (in Window mode).

Here is what i get when I run the symbolic link version from the commandline:

Warning: arch-dependent data dir `/Users/build/workspace/Emacs-Multi-Build/label/mavericks/emacs-source/nextstep/': No such file or directory
Warning: arch-independent data dir `/Users/build/workspace/Emacs-Multi-Build/label/mavericks/emacs-source/nextstep/': No such file or directory
Warning: Lisp directory `/Users/build/workspace/Emacs-Multi-Build/label/mavericks/emacs-source/nextstep/': No such file or directory
Error: charsets directory not found:
Emacs will not function correctly without the character map files.
Please check your installation!

Best Answer

After a little guidance from Mark (see comments above). What I did was to create a file in my bin with the name emacs and with the the following contents ...

/Applications/ "$@"


chmod 755 emacs

and I am up and running from the command line with a new shiny Emacs 24.4 and ignoring the built-in Emacs 22