MacOS – Switch between windows by name on OSX


Is there a way to switch between windows by typing a portion of the target window's name? (like doing Spotlight search but for windows)

I frequently have many windows open, and CMD-Tab & friends, and graphical utilities like Witch really don't cut it.

I am looking for something analogous to the Emacs iswitch. apparently used to do this (and much more) in prior versions of OSX.

Best Answer

I tried grgarside's solution but his link timed out for me.

Ended up on Packal and found Swift Window Switcher

It only requires you to use it w name instead of window name and it also populates with Safari tabs. It, too, requires Accessibility permissions.

Still requires Alfred, which is paid, but it seems like the best solution I could find.

Alfred Searching for Chrome, returning this question as an open window