MacOS – Super quiet audio recording in Quicktime 10.4 using Soundflower-2 on Yosemite


Now that the Soundflowerbed app is retired, I haven't been able to record my Mac's system audio 🙁
Following the instructions from mattingalls' Soundflower-2 installation guide, (, I rebooted, and then created a Multi-Output Device in Audio MIDI Setup, to be able to listen to the audio through the built-in speakers along with sending it through Soundflower 2CH, But I'm getting a super low audio volume when I try to record through Quicktime 10.4. Even with the volume cranked, there's very little sound in the Quicktime recording, and yes, I did make sure to adjust the volume before switching to the Multi-Output Device in Sys. Prefs.

Here's my setup:
Audio MIDI Setup settings
Sys. Prefs. Sound settings
Quicktime Audio Recording input selection

I'm working on a mid-2012 MacBook Pro Retina, still running Yosemite (oooold, I kno, but I can't update just yet- some of the software I need to use isn't compatible with the latest OS)

Any advice or link to a free Soundflower alternative would be greatly appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

enter image description hereI'm not sure if you've tried this, but the more important one is the volume you have routed to soundflower. To achieve a similar volume coming out of your speakers and still getting a louder recording, you'll have to lower the output volume and raise soundflower's volume.

Also, I'm not sure about you but soundflowerbed works all right for me.