MacOS – Suggestions for a Comprehensive Network Monitoring Solution


We are looking for something that can provide a view (GUI or CLI) of all network traffic on our network. We are running all Apple computers, with SonicWall routers. Essentially, we'd like to have the ability to see what someone is looking at on the Internet when we notice that they are exceeding a regular traffic quota.

I know we could use wireshark; but, I'm not sure if we can run that on the entire network and still be able to sift through all of the data that it would return, in a reasonable amount of time.

Best Answer

The above-suggested Rubbernet's domain name appears to be parked, and no product information available. Perhaps they've gone the way of Lithium (which went 'fut' a couple of years ago).

While I do not have enough, recent, or long-term experience with InterMapper, I know they have been around for quite a long time, so you'd be less likely to run into issues like the above (putting resources and time into a product that disappears a few years down the road).

There are, of course, lots of open-source solutions, which require various levels of comfort and competency in setting them up. However, perhaps you might want to take a look at InterMapper?