MacOS – Strange graphics behaviour after rm -rf /


I've received sudo rm -rf on my machine (MacBook Pro 2017 13", Sierra). As it's expected, most of applications disappeared or stopped working.

I had to reinstall MacOS completely from the recovery partition, and it helped, but since then I have some strange graphic bugs in some applications. Mostly, games — Steam and League of Legends. In Steam, I lack some elements of user interface — please glance at the screenshot (it's supposed to show login and password input bars and some buttons). League of Legends manages to start up pre-game screens, but when the game begins it crashes with those things in logs:

LeagueofLegends[82544:636494] Error loading //System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAsset.framework/MobileAsset:  dlopen(//System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAsset.framework/MobileAsset, 265): no suitable image found.  Did find:
//System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAsset.framework/MobileAsset: mach-o, but wrong architecture
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAsset.framework/Versions/A/MobileAsset: mach-o, but wrong architecture
Killed: 9

Could anyone please assist me? Any assumption of what could I loose with rm -rf that causes such behaviour AND is not fixed by system reinstallation, and how to restore it, would be greatly appreciated. I even tried upgrading to High Sierra, no difference. Before the sudo rm -rf both applications worked fine.

Screenshot of Steam not working

Best Answer

The reason is my case-sensitive system disk partition. Even though it's officially supported, some applications tend to forget it and hope the partition is case-insensitive.

For most applications (including Steam and League of Legends) appropriate solution is to

  1. Create new case-insensitive partition, name it somehow, e.g. CaseNoSense

  2. Transfer your application from /Applications/ to /Volumes/CaseNoSense/

  3. Move your application support folder to this partition: mv "~/Application Support" "/Volumes/CaseNoSense/"

  4. Create symbolic link for the application support folder: ln -s "/Volumes/CaseNoSense/Application Support" "~/Application Support"

  5. [Optional] Create symbolik link for the application: ln -s "/Volumes/CaseNoSense/" "/Applications/"

    Now start the application, it might work as intended.

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