MacOS – Spotlight in Mavericks does not search Tags – how to enable


I have defined a couple of tags in Mavericks. If I search inside Finder, tags work as expected:

It recognizes that "Firma" is a tag.

enter image description here

If I select it and press enter, it turns into "Tag:Firma".

enter image description here

However if I do the same in the global search (CMD+SPACE), it seems to have no idea about tags:

enter image description here

Is there a way to fix this or is it a known bug?

Best Answer

I repeated your steps in renaming one of my Tags.

My MBA with 10.9.2 does exactly the same as yours.

The Spotlight does following:

By entering the Tag name it sorts and shows the actually tagged files first in the search window.

So it knows those files were tagged by that tag.