MacOS – Split Quicktime Clip Collection Into Individual Videos

macmacosquicktimevideovideo editing

For whatever reason, my camcorder saves recorded videos as "clips" all bundled into a massive AVCHD movie file. I can open each clip individually and manually export it through Quicktime, but this is a time consuming process I would prefer to automate. What is the best way to automate exporting each of these individual "clips" into their own movie files?

For reference, the "clips" view that shows upon opening the huge AVCHD file looks like the following:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I ended up just opening each file in QuickTime and exporting each clip manually. It wasn't the optimal solution, but did get the job done.

For future viewers, showing package contents on the video file did yield a set of individual movie files in MTS format. I defaulted to manually exporting each clip, however, because I wanted the files in MP4 and didn't have access to a video converter app. However, that would have been a viable option as well.