MacOS – Speed up Mission Control animations in macOS Sierra


Introduced in macOS Sierra, the user can control how fast the Mission Control animation moves to the “end view”, by how fast the action is performed on a trackpad.

I think the default setting is much too slow, and I don't want to overdo the gesture each time just to get better efficiency out of the animation.

This 2012 article refers to settings like these:

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0; killall Dock

for fast animations, and to reset:

defaults delete expose-animation-duration; killall Dock

I have tried them in Sierra and they don't work.

Here is a video of the approximate behaviour of Mission Control (source).

Best Answer

Aidan Marr is correct. BetterTouchTool can be used to get the old behaviour.

First, disable three finger swipe up in System Preferences > Trackpad.

Trackpad prefs

Then, use BetterTouchTool as follows:

  1. Select the "Trackpads" tab at top and "Select Application:" "Global" at left.
  2. Click "Add New Gesture"
  3. Select "Three finger swipe up" as your gesture and "Mission Control" as your action.

BTT Screenshot

The old behaviour is now restored and you will be able to use:

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1

Note, that you can use a similar process for "App Exposé"

Bonus Tip: Since "Mission Control" is still a standalone App on your system you could use the utility of your choice to invoke it. For example, you could have Keyboard Maestro invoke it with a particular keystroke. Invoking the app this way uses the old (pre-Sierra) behaviour.