macOS Security – Chinese Username Writing Files into ‘Users’ Folder

hackinghigh sierramacosSecurityxcode

I'm the single user of my personal MacBook (macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 (17D102)), using it only inside my single apartment, not inside a network, not connected to anything beside my router, and a user called "Linchengzang" has created a user folder inside my filesystem and is writing Xcode files into it.

The user is not know to the system. I never used Xcode (but I am a developer), and I didn't install any software in the last few days, but these files and folders appered within the last few hours.

It's creepy that these files have suspicios names, all related to auth things.

Can somebody please give me a hint what is going on here ?

Big thanks!

enter image description here

Best Answer

I finally found the answer by myself and can reproduce the above scenario: The official wallet software of the cryptocurrency Bytecoin is creating this user and these files.

Not sure if this is legit or part of a scam :/