MacOS – Slow wakeup from sleep with 10.7.2


I'm seeing some seriously slow wakeup times for my Mid-2011 MacBook Air. Wakeup times on the order of 30 seconds or more. Note that the computer is incredibly sluggish or beach balling during this time (not like dark) and takes 30 seconds or so to get going. Obviously this is an SSD with a cleanly installed 10.7 OS from the factory. I have tried restarting, clearing the sleep image, and updating to the latest software but am not sure how to proceed at this point. I am completely up-to-date with all software in Software Update. I am only running a web browser (Chrome) with a reasonable number of tabs open along and a few other small programs like TextEdit.

Ideas? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Best Answer

This might be because your system enters "standby mode", where it actually saves all your data to disk and turns off. When you start up, it restores everything. 30 seconds is NOT normal though. However, a fix that you might want to consider is to disable this functionality:

sudo pmset -a standby 0

The result will be that your MBA should no longer enter "standby mode" anymore and sleep like any other MacBook. It will consume battery power while sleeping, but should wake up instantly.

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