Fix Siri Not Functioning on macOS Sierra


I can't seem to get Siri to work on my 2014 Macbook Pro. I click the icon and nothing happens.

Diagnostics and Usage data just seem to barf out a bunch of attributes and ends with

Siri error = 0

The system logs have the line

Sep 21 20:44:13 baphomet[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit

Has this been seen by anyone else? If anyone knows if these point to something funny in my setup it would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Had the same issue and found out something that solved this for me. Apparently, my notification center process was disabled for some reason, I've enabled it via terminal by typing:

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
killall NotificationCenter 

After that I disabled and enabled Siri via the settings menu and it seems to be working now.