MacOS Sierra: Increase mouse cursor speed beyond System Preferences maximum


I previously used BetterTouchTool to override the maximum mouse cursor speed in System Preferences. However, as of macOS Sierra, this is no longer possible according to the developer (source).

I am not sure if this is due to a technical limitation on part of the application, or if it indeed is impossible to override the maximum mouse cursor speed.

Note that I am referring explicitly to the Mouse cursor speed – not the Trackpad cursor.
I am looking to increase the cursor speed of my Logitech Performance Mouse MX (without the use of Logitech Control Center!).

So the question is: How can the maximum mouse cursor speed be overridden (with a permanent setting) in macOS Sierra? Perhaps it could be done by a Terminal command or editing a plist file, but the solution could entail a third-party app.

Best Answer

There are 2 FREE ways to accomplish getting mouse speeds over 5.0 accelleration on mac OS High Sierra:

  1. First, is by executing the command-line:

defaults write -g X

where X is the amount of acceleration you want in the form of a number with one decimal space after it, then logging out, and logging back in. Therefore if you wanted to increase your speed to 8 acceleration you would type in the terminal the following command:

defaults write -g 8.0

Note: If afterwords, you adjust the mouse controls in System Preferences again, you have to once again enter the terminal command and log out to regain your accelerated mouse settings.

  1. Second, is to use an app called mousezoom. It gets installed in preferences pane.