MacOS – Setting up iCloud results in cloudd error messages


I am trying to set up iCloud on my work laptop (profile managed in an active directory domain from what I can tell).

It seems to be mostly going fine, but all of the icons stay grayed out:

Re-entering the password doesn't change this.

The console log is filled with these (about every minute or so):

10/9/15 9:04:28.985 AM cloudd[714]: Couldn't create a PCS identity: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-25300 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -25300 - SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=65655  flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/mseeger/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain )" (errKCItemNotFound / errSecItemNotFound:  / The item cannot be found.) UserInfo=0x7f9221ecd9a0 {NSDescription=SecItem failed to fetch ProtectedCloudStorage: keychain status: 0x7 auditInfo: asid=0x000186a5 auid=65655  flags=0x00006030 paths: 0:/Users/mseeger/Library/Keychains/login.keychain 1:/Library/Keychains/System.keychain }
10/9/15 9:04:28.985 AM cloudd[714]: Error creating zone PCS: <CKError 0x7f9221e111c0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>.
Identity (null)
Zone PCS data <6182014e 3082014a 30818302 0100317e 307c3025 02010004 205b6b5f bded9c19 92bcc44f 5a86e7dd 857cc5a0 bdc01e0c 2157d8d2 8290d6f4 e9045301 00123cf7 448b2ae3 767d7507 bcff57e0 006bdd75 0c7971a7 bc6b139a 269ebdd1 7a30472b d25f47e9 ffd4d805 …>.
10/9/15 9:04:28.986 AM cloudd[714]: Error creating zone PCS for zone <CKRecordZoneID: 0x7f9221d8d6c0;>: <CKError 0x7f9221e111c0: "Unknown Error" (5000/-25300)>

Any idea what could be happening here?
I tried repairing permissions and rebooting in single user mode already.

Best Answer

I too am experiencing this problem. It seems to be user-specific; i.e., not related to the iCloud account as the same iCloud account used under a different (system) user will not experience the problem and a different iCloud account used under the same (system) user will experience the problem.

I'm getting slightly different console messages, but yeah, they're all about PCS identity creation failures, keyset decoding failures & blah blah blah.

I had a bit of a brain-wave & just checked under ~/Library/Logs in Console and lo & behold, there are a heap of ProtectedCloudStorage-SignIn logs. Here's the contents of the latest of them with redacted hostname & AppleID values:

Oct 17 00:38:17 hostname.local[1284] <Debug>: PCSIdentityCollectionSetup: <CFBasicHash 0x7f86a17330c0 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{type = mutable dict, count = 3,
    entries =>
        0 : <CFString 0x7fff77f7e1e0 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "kPCSSetupUsername"} = <CFString 0x7f86a1461cf0 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "appleID"}
        1 : <CFString 0x7fff77f7e2c0 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "kPCSSetupDSID"} = <CFString 0x7fff77f7e800 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "<<VALUE>>"}
        2 : <CFString 0x7fff77f7e240 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "kPCSSetupPassword"} = <CFString 0x7fff77f7e800 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{contents = "<<VALUE>>"}
Oct 17 00:38:17 hostname.local[1284] <Debug>: __PCSAccountHasStingrayIdentities
Oct 17 00:38:19 hostname.local[1284] <Error>: PCSHasStingrayIdentities: YES
Oct 17 00:38:21 hostname.local[1284] <Error>: PCSCopyStingrayIdentity: <CFData 0x7f86a300c000 [0x7fff7953fed0]>{length = 1845, capacity = 1845, bytes = 0x628207313082072d0c0f67616d63616c ... ab42b25d58020101} (error: (null))
Oct 17 00:38:21 hostname.local[1284] <Error>: PCSIdentityCollectionSetup failed The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -25244 - SecItem failed to delete on private identity)

It looks like iCloudHelper is having trouble with the PCS Identity for some reason. Hopefully someone who knows a bit more about these things may shed some more light on this.