Set Up FTP Server on macOS High Sierra – ProFTPD Guide

ftphigh sierramacos

I want to set up an FTP server on macOS High Sierra. (FTP is removed from macOS High Sierra, unlike previous versions.)

Since I have to use the other application connecting to the FTP server (my Mac), I cannot replace FTP with other protocols.

I know a way to connect to the FTP server. However, I cannot find the way to run my Mac as an FTP server, not FTP client.

I follow this page to use ProFTPD, but I failed to run the FTP server.

enter image description here

How can I set up the FTP server on macOS High Sierra?

Best Answer

I have used pure-ftpd instead of ProFTPD. It is simpler.

After I installed pure-ftpd using brew,

brew install pure-ftpd

I configured the FTP (username-password) setting referring to

And then start FTP server.

brew services start pure-ftpd