MacOS Server: Volume … not responding

I have recently installed MacOS Server on my iMac running Sierra 10.12.4. I am getting an occasional alert that a Volume is not responding.

The message is of the form:

Volume "…" not responding

I now have 4 such messages, but the id of the volume keeps changing. I don’t think I have so many volumes attached, so I can’t work out what’s going on.

  • how can I discover more about a particular volume from the id?
  • why would it keep changing?

Best Answer

The Mac OS X Server disk watcher is pretty sensitive, and it seems to get triggered by apfs volume snapshot notifications (they will have "@-snap" in their names). It may also trigger on mobile time machine volume unmounts which as I recall looks like a uuid. If it is not a volume name that you recognize, I would not worry.