MacOS – Safari opens on drive dismount

ejecthard drivemacossafari

For some reason, sometimes when I dismount/eject a physical drive, Safari launches in the background. This behavior has occurred even in safe mode, in a guest account, with nothing else running. I've experienced it happening with SD cards, USB hard drives, and thumb drives.

I've spent an hour on the phone with an Apple tech to no avail, and I've spent quite a bit of time on my own trying to narrow it down. What could be causing this, and how can I stop it?

I'm running Sierra on a 2015 rMBP.

Best Answer

Only thing I can think of a system-level daemon -- fire up Terminal and try:

$ sudo fs_usage -w > ~/Desktop/eject_log.txt

Then dismount and let Safari open up. Back to terminal, ^C (ctrl-c). Open up the log file and see what you find.