MacOS – Safari: How to show history in a new tab in Safari


I find this to be annoying. When I click on "History" -> "Show History", Safari shows the history tab in my current tab and not in a new tab. So let say I was browsing Facebook and then decided to see my history, its opens in the tab that Facebook is opened on and not in a separate tab. Now I have to navigate back (click on Back) to get back to Facebook.

Is there any way I can configure that "Show History" is shown on a different tab in Safari when it opens?

Best Answer

As neither way to access history [from menu or from a toolbar button] allows you to open it in a new tab by the usual method of Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ clicking I'd suggest the best method might just be open it in a manual new tab - 2 keystrokes.

  • Cmd ⌘ T for new Tab
  • Cmd ⌘ Y for History

Apparently, Show History Cmd ⌘ Y may not be the same key command in all Languages, but I can only check for UK English...

enter image description here